Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Reading Assessment

Question: How assess reading achievement?

Answer/Quote: Suggests portfolios: “Achievement is not measured by a score on a test; achievement is a multidimensional, multipurpose process that should capture the complexity of the reading task.” P. 304.

Quote: “For example, students can develop literature logs in which they record their readings and react to what they have read…. Finally, a strategies journal can be developed that contains a student’s written responses to study skills methods used to learn content area materials from college textbooks.” P. 300.

Comment: Defining reading achievement is the challenge. Then comes measuring it. RayS.

Title: “Portfolios: Collaborative Authentic Assessment Opportunities for College Developmental Learners.” M Valeri-Gold, JR Olson, and MP Deming. Journal of Reading (December 1991/January 1992), 298-305.

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