Friday, February 17, 2012

Students' Motivation

Question: How can teachers motivate students to stay on task?

 Answer/Quote: “Basically, motivation for staying on task translates into the concept of caring about what you are doing. This is, indeed, the single most significant prerequisite for all learning.”

“The magic to inspiring student motivation for staying on task lies in the teacher’s commitment to helping students find personal meaning in what they are doing.”

 Comment: A tall order. But at least consider: Why is learning this important to the student? In ways that the students will understand? I’m afraid that I did not often consider “What’s in it for me?” from the students’ point of view. I should have. RayS.

Title: “Motivational Strategies for Staying on Task.” Gail Garber. The Reading Teacher (May 1984), 920.

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