Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Semantic Mapping

Question: What is semantic mapping and why use it?

Answer/Quote: “…Carrell, Pharis, and Liberto (1989) recommended semantic mapping to introduce key vocabulary from a reading passage and to provide teachers with a means of informal assessment of students’ prior knowledge. In their research, ESL (English as a Second Language) college students trained in semantic mapping showed increased comprehension of content area texts.

Quote: “The procedure begins with class brainstorming in which students generate associations on a topic. Because this type of associating triggers attention and builds on students’ prior knowledge, brainstorming serves as an advanced organizer for understanding the potentially related information that follows in the reading assignment. The teacher then conducts a discussion in which students organize in a map the information generated by brainstorming. Once reading is completed, students revise their maps, applying knowledge of text structure and important concepts in an organized, visual format.” P. 97.

Purpose of the activity: building background knowledge of information about the topic of a reading assignment.

 Comment: The more people know about the topic of a reading assignment, the better they will comprehend it. RayS.

Title: “Instructional Strategies for Second-Language Learners in the Content Areas.” M de la Luz Reyes and LA Molner. Journal of Reading (October 1991), 96-103.

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