Question: How can a
teacher learn students’ notetaking practices?
Below is a notetaking assessment:
(Never, Sometimes, Always)
> I read assignments and review
notes before my classes.
> I sit near the front of the class.
> My notes are organized by subjects
in a loose-leaf notebook.
> I have a definite notetaking
strategy. (“Date and label notes at the
top of the page. Draw a margin and keep
all running lecture notes to one side. Use other side for organization,
summarizing and labeling. Indent to show importance of ideas. Skip lines to indicate
change of ideas. Leave space for elaboration and clarification. Be selective.
Abbreviate when possible. Paraphrase. Use underlining, circling, and different
colors of ink to show importance. Cover one side of notes to study.” P.
> I adapt my notetaking for
different classes.
> I use only one half of the page in
taking notes.
> I date each day’s notes.
> I use my own words in writing
> I use abbreviations whenever
> My handwriting is legible for
study at a later date.
> I can identify the main ideas in a
> I can identify details and
examples for main ideas.
> I indent examples and details
under main ideas to show their relationship.
> I leave enough space to resolve
confusing ideas in the lecture.
> I ask questions to clarify
confusing points in the lecture.
> I record the questions my
classmates ask the lecturer.
> I am aware of instructor signals
for important information.
> I review my notes immediately
after class to make sure that they contain all the important points of the
lecture and are legible
> I underline important words and
phrases in my notes.
> I reduce my notes to jottings and
cues for studying at a later date.
> I summarize the concepts and
principles from ach lecture in a paragraph.
> I use my notes to draw up practice
questions in preparation for examinations.
> I use my notes to find ideas that
need further explanation.
> I use the reading assignment to clarify
ideas from the lecture.
Comment: The same assessment can be used for taking
notes on the reading assignment. RayS.
Title: “Enhancing
Students’ Notetaking Through Training and Evaluation.{ NA Stahl, JR King and WA
Henk. Journal of Reading (May 1991), 614-622.